Rules and Expectations
Central Middle School
PBIS P.A.W.S. Expectations
School-Wide PBIS – P.A.W.S. Expectations
Students are expected to know what the acronym P.A.W.S. stands for and be able to explain the expectations for each area of school.
Restroom Expectations: Practice positivity by being polite to others and waiting my turn. Act responsibly by reporting problems to an adult and cleaning up after myself. Work and play safely by keeping the restroom clean, flushing the toilet, washing my hands, discarding personal hygiene items in the appropriate place, entering the stall alone, and keeping my hands, feet, and objects to myself. Show respect by knocking softly to see if the stall is clear and avoid looking under or over the stall someone is using.
School Bus Expectations: Practice positivity by being patient and respectful of others. Act responsibly by knowing my bus number and home address, loading and unloading quickly with my belongings, sitting in my assigned seat, and reporting problems to the bus driver. Work and play safely by walking on and off the bus in a safe manner, keeping all parts of my body inside the bus at all times, and keeping my hands, feet, and objects to myself. Show respect by using my inside voice, avoid damaging the seats, and listening and following all directions given by the bus driver and bus assistant.
Gym Expectations: Practice positivity by showing good sportsmanship, using kind words, and be willing to play with others. Act responsibly by wearing appropriate clothing and shoes, taking care of equipment, and reporting problems to an adult. Work and play safely by staying in my designated area, following the game rules, using equipment properly, and following the teacher’s direction the first time. Show respect by taking turns speaking, sharing equipment, and entering and leaving the gym quietly.
Cafeteria Expectations: Practice positivity by using good table manners by saying please, thank you, excuse me, and chewing with my mouth closed. Act responsibly by cleaning up after myself, putting all trash in the trashcan, getting everything I need the first time, and using an inside voice. Work and play safely by staying seated until dismissed and keeping my hands, feet, and objects to myself. Show respect by waiting my turn and avoid touching food in the plate of others.
Classroom Expectations: Practice positivity by paying attention and being respectful to others, making good choices, and always doing my best. Act responsibly by reporting to class before the tardy bell, coming with all my class material, being prepared to learn, using materials correctly, completing assigned work, and keeping my area cleaned. Work and play safely by staying on task, and keeping my hands, feet, and objects to myself. Show respect by taking turns to speak, using my inside voice, following the teacher’s directions quickly and quietly, and being kind to others.
Computer Lab Expectations: Practice positivity by respecting instructional lab facilitator. Act responsibly by sitting in assigned seat and working on designated assignment only. Work and play safely by not eating and drinking in the lab. Show respect by using a whisper when tutoring/ assisting a peer.
Hallway/Sidewalk Expectations: Practice positivity by being patient and respectful of others, making good choice, and always doing my best. Act responsibly by reporting to class before the tardy bell, coming with all my class material, being prepared to learn, using materials correctly, completing assigned work, and keeping my area cleaned. Work and play safely by staying on task and keeping my hands, feet, and objects to myself. Show respect by taking turns to speak, using my inside voice, following the teacher’s directions quickly and quietly, and being kind to others.
Assemblies/Field Trip Expectations: Practice positivity by listening to the presenter. Act responsibly by following the instructions given by all chaperons the first time, and reporting problems to an adult. Work and play safely by walking to the designated area, staying with my group, and keeping hands, feet, and objects to myself. Show respect by using good manners.
Library Expectations: Practice positivity by respecting library staff. Act responsibly by arriving on time on the designated day, returning books by the due, and reading and participate in book discussions. Work and play safely by using care when handling library books and equipment and keeping my hands, feet, and objects to myself. Show respect by keeping the noise level to a minimum, following directions given by adult’s quickly and quietly, and sitting in my designated area.