Principal's Message

To My Bobcat Family,
I am so honored and grateful to serve as your principal, as principal of Central Middle School. We are about to embark upon a new school year with great enthusiasm and anticipation of new opportunities that will enhance our instructional program and school community as a whole.
I appreciate the trust and confidence you have placed in me to lead this school! One of my proudest professional achievements has been growing Central Middle School's school performance score 9.9 points in one school term. Along with our dedicated and hardworking faculty and staff, I am committed to assisting students in growing academically and socially.
As principal of Central Middle School, I strive to amplify CMS’s strengths.
Here are 3 goals I want to focus on year 1:
Support and empower the staff and students-You don't have to be great to get started but you must get started to be great
Cultivate a growth mindset-there’s nowhere to go but UP!
Educate the WHOLE CHILD through LIM, PBIS, and SEL-it’s better to build strong children than to fix broken men
To achieve this/ we plan to provide ongoing professional development, foster a learning environment that is safe, use data to drive instruction and decision making, and partner with the Eunice community, businesses, and leaders.
I have the deepest gratitude to serve as your school principal. I welcome your input and support as we embark on this journey together. Congratulations to all of us! Go Bobcats!
Kind regards,
Octavia Warren